The Typical Mor is distinguished from Moder-like Mor by the Oh horizon being sharp-edged crushable (Osh). The jagged fracture surfaces of the Osh can be recombined seamlessly after breaking. A thick Oh horizon is not always compact throughout but can appear layered to some extent. The single layers, however, remain crushable, forming sharp edges. The Of horizon is often to a large extent layer-like and felted and therefore flexural and easily detached from the Osh horizon. The Of horizon usually consists of several layers, with increasing fine organic matter content with increasing proximity to the Osh. The organic surface layers can be detached from the mineral soil surface easily. Depending on the thickness of the Osh horizon, Typical Mor is subdivided into the varieties Typical Mor poor in fine organic matter (Osh horizon < 4 cm) and Typical Mor rich in fine organic matter (Osh horizon ≥ 4 cm). Distinct features are:
Ol horizon is present all year round;
Of horizon is present all year round, strongly felted, and flexural;
Osh horizon is present, sharp-edged, and crushable; and
Ah-Ee horizon or Ee horizon is present.
Typical Mor, Osh horizon, material compact packing and breaking into aggregates with sharp division surfaces that fit together again without gaps, © Ecke von Zezschwitz †