H Moor

Plant litter material with a low to very low CN ratio and soil reaction slight acid to alkaline and short term aeration phases will lead to a high degree of decomposition and humusfication. Remains of plat litter are not cognisable.

  • Hhn horizon is present as topsoil and
  • predominantly anaerobic conditions interupted by short aerobic conditions and
  • in many cases oxygen content of groundwater ore spring water ist high and
  • Vegetation of natural fen is present


HHM              – Mesotrophic H Moor

Soil reaction slight acid to subneutral.

  • C/N of the Hhn horizon 20 – < 33 and
  • Vegetation of natural fen is present

HHE               – Eutrophic H Moor

Soil reaction is slight acid to alkaline.

  • C/N of the Hhn horizon 10 – < 20 and
  • Vegatation of natural fen is present

HHP                – Polytrophic H Moor

Soil reaction neutral to alkaline.

  • C/N of the Hhn horizon < 10 and
  • Vegetation of natural fen – primarily nitrophilous species – are present and
  • peat is enriched by eutrophic or hypertrophic polluted water